Pajhwok Afghan News

12 suffered casualities in Afghanistan last week

KABUL (Pajhwok): Last week, the Federation of Human Rights Defenders said the deporation of Afghan refguees from Pakistna should be stopped and a delegation of Muslim scholars asked the Islamic Ummah to support the Afghans.

Last week’s key events:


At least 10 people were killed and two others injured in separate incidents of violence nationwhide last week.

The Ministry of Interior Affairs says unidentified gunmen shot dead six peole,, including two women, in the Injil district of Herat province.

Local officias say unknonw gunmen shot dead a 22-year-old man in Faryab and another young man, who had killed his wife, was detained iin Sar-i-Pul.

According to officials, two bodies were found in Parwan and Faryab provinces.

Note: These figures are based on reports reaching Pajhwok Afghan News. Some incidents may have gone unreported or sources could have provided incorrect figures.

In the previous week, according to sources, six people had been killed and five others injured in various incidents across the country.

Before the regime change in August 2021, hundreds of civilians, insurgents and security forces would be killed and maimed every week.

Global interaction with Kabul

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan issued a statement after an annual meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Central Asian Countries, asking for strengthening interaction and coordination with the caretaker government of Afghanistan.

Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, during a meeting with Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) Otunbayeva, stressed the need for addressing issues that stopped the progress and development of Afghanistan.

Muttaqi said since the war in Afghanistan had ended, it would be better if the United Nations and the international community supported achievements of the ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ (IEA) by lifting sanctions and unfreezing its assets.

He added the world should interect with Afghanistan through official addresses and should not create parallel and additional mechanisims for the country.

Some opposition figures and officials of the previous government held a meeting in Moscow a few days earlier.

Maulvi Abdul Salam Hanafi, deputy prime minister for administrative affiars, said in a meeting with the European Union’s chargé d’affaires IEA desired good relations with all countries of the world, especially with neighbouring states.

Muttaiq also discussed current problems and other issues with a delegation of Islamic scholars, who urged Muslim nations to support the Afghans.

Nasser Kanaani, spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, said Tehran was looking for peace and stability in Afghanistan .He called regional efforts important in this regard.

“The security of Afghanistan is the security of Iran. In this framework, we believe in the usefulness of regional efforts and mechanisms to help consolidate peace and stability in Afghanistan. Our basic approach in relation to Afghanistan is to establish a government that represents the entire Afghan nation,” said Kanaani.

Herat Security Dialogue

A two-day meeting was held in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, last week. It was attended by opposition figures, analysts and envoys of some countries and international organisations.

The participanst exchanged views on the the political and security situation in Afghanistan, as well as the status of women and provision of humanitarian assistance to the country.

Reaction to forced deporations

The World Food Programme (WFP) expressed its concern about the situation of Afghan refugees who are being deported from Pakistan daily in the cold winter season.

Alos, the UN wanred most of the Afghans who were recently expelled from Pakistan did not have a place to live and would face probelsm finding food during the winter.

The International Federation of Human Rights Defenders (IFHRD), in a statement, called on the blobal community and human rights organisations to prevent the expulsion of Afghan refugees by Pakistan.

The acting interior minister says IEA remains committed to creating facilities for the refugee families returning from Pakistan.

He slammed as unfair Pakistan’s decision on forcibly deporting Afghan migrants. He said the move had been denounced by everyone, including IEA.

IEA denies summoning of ambassador

In response to Pakistani media reports, Kabul said that the Islamic Emirate’s chargé d’Aafaires in Islamabad had not been summoned. he only received a message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Islamabad.

Earlier, the Express Tribune had reported the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had summoned the IEA charge d’affaires over recent attacks in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Kabul was asked to arrest TTP leader Hafiz Gul Bahadur and deliver him to Islamabad.

But IEA spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, rejected as groundless the reports about the summoning of the charge d’affaires.

“Based on our information, our ambassador has not been summoned, maybe he himself has explained it. But the message has reached our embassy and has been shared with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it is under investigation,” Mujahid told TOLOnews.

Continuation of humanitarian aid

Last week, EU pledged 145 million euros in aid to Afghanistan, and Turkey donated 508 tonnes of food and non-food items to help the Afghans affected by the Herat earthquake and those returning from Pakistan.


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