Pajhwok Afghan News

UN adds Israel to list of states harming children

KABUL (Pajhwok): The United Nations (UN) has added Israel’s military to the global list of states and armed groups involved in violations against children, media reports said on Saturday.

The list is part of a report on children and armed conflict that is due to be submitted to the United Nations Security Council next Friday.

Israel’s representative to UN Gilan Erdan said: “I am utterly shocked and disgusted by this shameful decision of the secretary-general.”

The report covers the killing, maiming, sexual abuse, abduction or recruitment of children, denial of aid access and targeting of schools and hospitals, the Guardian reported. Hamas was also named in the list.

Israel Foreign Minister Israel Katz warned the decision would have an impact on ties between his country and the UN, which are already strained.

News of Israel’s inclusion on the list follows eight months of war in Gaza, in which more than 13,000 children are estimated to be among the 36,500 killed.

At least 40 Palestinian, including children, were killed in an attack by Israeli forces on a UN-linked school in central Gaza on Thursday.


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