Pajhwok Afghan News

IEA hails Lavrov remarks on talks with Afghanistan

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) has welcomed the Russian foreign minister’s remarks on continued dialogue with the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA).

TASS quoted Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as saying it was necessary to establish a constant and project-oriented dialogue with IEA.

Lavrov told reporters after a meeting of the CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers on Friday: “In general, we advocate establishing a more stable, continuous and substantive dialogue, which is aimed at implementing real projects, with the Taliban’s government that in fact holds control over the country.”

MoFA in Kabul said: “We welcome Lavrov’s remarks, which support more stable, sustainable and realistic dialogue with the government of Afghanistan.”

IEA has always said that as a responsible government, it is ready to have comprehensive and fruitful discussions with all sides on issues of common iterest.


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