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4 foreign soldiers killed in Wardak attack

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30 May 2011 - 12:35
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30 May 2011 - 12:35

MAIDAN SHAHR (PAN): Four foreign soldiers were killed in a clash with militants in central Maidan Wardak province, an official said on Monday.

A tank of NATO-led troops was destroyed during the overnight clash in Syedabad district, the governor’s spokesman told Pajhwok Afghan News.

Shahidullah Shahid said the military vehicle of the ISAF in the Onkhi area, was blown up in the Musakhel village.

Heavy gunfire followed the blast, killing the troops, Shahid said. Three bodies were recovered from the scene last evening and a fourth was found on Monday morning.

District chief, Dr. Muslim, confirmed the incident, but he said only one servicemember was killed and a Tank destroyed in the attack.

The ISAF media office in Kabul also verified the engagement. However, the multinational force gave no further details.

Meanwhile, the Taliban claimed responsibility for the bomb-gun assault. Their spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said six foreign troops were killed and one of their tanks blown up.


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