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Parliament delays summoning ministers

Parliament delays summoning ministers

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21 Jun 2011 - 18:29
Parliament delays summoning ministers
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21 Jun 2011 - 18:29

KABUL): Parliament on Tuesday postponed summoning some cabinet ministers for questioning due to a lack of quorum.

Lawmaker from northern Balkh province, Ahmad Shah Ramazan, told the house a number of ministers were not professional and had not been able to effectively run their ministries concerned.

He did not name any. “Let’s say no to non-professional people to become part of the cabinet,” Ramazan urged fellow lawmakers.

Another public representative from Kabul, Abdul Hafeez Mansoor, also said some ministers who lacked knowledge often made irresponsible statements. He also did not name any minister. “I support summoning those ministers who are not professional,” he said.

Parliamentarian Almas Zahid from central Parwan province said such ministers should be summoned, questioned and distrusted.

A number of others MPs echoed the issue and called for a vote of no-confidence to non-professional ministers.

Khalid Pakhtun, the deputy speaker, said they were unable to summon ministers for a lack of quorum.

Of the 249 MPs, only 90 were present at the session.


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