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8 development schemes executed in Jawzjan

8 development schemes executed in Jawzjan

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30 Oct 2011 - 16:50
8 development schemes executed in Jawzjan
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30 Oct 2011 - 16:50

SHIBERGHAN (PAN): Eight development projects have been executed in the northern province of Jawzjan, officials said on Sunday.

Residents of Qaria-i-Hasan Tabain, Labjar Taghan, Shakarak and Qanjogha villages will benefit from the COAR-funded projects implemented at a cost of $200,000.

Director of Rehabilitation and Rural Development Eng. Mohammad Yousuf told Pajhwok Afghan News the projects included the gravelling of 10 kilometres of roads in the four villages and four tailoring courses for 100 women.

COAR Coordinator Rahmatullah Rahmani said each of the women would be given 2,000 afghanis a month. Every participant was given a sewing machine and 50-metre cloth at the end of the three months tailoring course.

“I am pleased having learnt how to sew clothes,” said the 45-year-old Shah Gul, hailing from the Qanjogha village. “Now I can meet some of family expenses by sewing clothes.”


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