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Parliamentary panel should probe Qadir’s case: MPs

14 Mar 2012 - 18:56
14 Mar 2012 - 18:56

KABUL members on Wednesday said allegations against Jamal Qadir, former Nangarhar provincial council head, should be investigated by a parliamentarian team.

Qadir was arrested by the Attorney General’s Office in Jalalabad on March 12 after a factory owner accused him and his guards of thrashing the factory workers and destroying equipment.

However, MP Sadiqui Zada Naili, a representative from central Daikundi province, said the allegations against Qadir were politically motivated. He urged judicial officials investigate into political reasons behind the arrest.

Lawmaker Lailuma Wali Hakimi also echoed Naili’s remarks.

After their remarks, a majority of parliamentarians called for the creation of a parliamentary panel to investigate Qadir’s case.

However, MP Ramazan Bashardost held a different view, saying it was not the job of parliament to investigate every case.

Qadir, who led the provincial council for two years, was unable to be elected for a third time during last month’s provincial council election.


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