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Kandahar police say no surge in target killings

9 Aug 2012 - 18:00
9 Aug 2012 - 18:00

KANDAHAR CITY (PAN): The deputy police chief on Thursday ruled out an increase in target killings in southern Kandahar province, saying they had been able to prevent such attacks.

Col. Rahmatullah Atrafi, addressing a weekly press conference at the governor’s house in Kandahar City, dispelled the impression that target killings had been on the rise in the province.

But residents insist target killings have lately seen an uptick, with several tribal elders and civilians mown down so far.

Col. Atrafi said previously tribal elders and government officials would fall prey to target killings, but the Taliban were no longer able to continue those tactics.

The police officer said a dozen Taliban fighters were killed, two injured and nine others captured in operations during the outgoing week. He said nine people were arrested in connection with criminal cases, including robberies and drug smuggling.

Calling for people’s cooperation with police, Atrafi said the security situation in Kandahar had improved. He would not go into details of the improvement.


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