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2 NATO soldiers killed in Logar attack

26 Sep 2012 - 11:30
26 Sep 2012 - 11:30

PUL-I-ALAM (PAN) service-members were killed in a suicide attack in central Logar province on Wednesday, officials said.

The attack took place around 11 am in the Onisyedan village, three kilometres from Pul-i-Alam, the provincial capital, deputy police chief Col. Rayees Khan Sadiq told Pajhwok Afghan News. 

The joint Afghan-ISAF patrol first came under a roadside bomb attack and then an explosives-laden car exploded nearby, he said. The area has been cordoned off, he said, but stopped short of giving details about causalities.

The governor’s spokesman, Din Mohammad Darwish, also confirmed the suicide attack, but gave no details.  

Eyewitness, Safiullah, said the attack involved a corolla vehicle driven by an elderly man.  

The alliance confirmed an ISAF patrol was engaged by small arms fire, rocket-propelled grenades and a suicide-vest improvised explosive device during an insurgent attack in eastern Afghanistan.  Two ISAF service members were killed in the attack, the force said in a statement, which did not provide further details about the deceased soldiers’ nationalities or the exact location of the incident.

Mostly international soldiers stationed in southern Afghanistan are US, British and Canadian. Some 340 NATO troops have been killed in Afghanistan so far this year, 259 of them Americans.


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