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Post-2014 ANSF to meet security challenges: US general

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16 Nov 2012 - 12:35
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16 Nov 2012 - 12:35

WASHINGTON (PAN) would be able to meet the nation’s security requirement after the withdrawal of foreign troops in 2014.

He said: “I believe, based on a trajectory of development of the Afghans since we started this effort, through 2014, and with the assumption I make post-2014, with the level of commitment we’ll continue to provide, Afghan forces will be able to meet the security requirements.”

Gen Joseph Dunford, who has been nominated as the commander of the US and NATO, told lawmakers during at his confirmation hearing he was encouraged by the ANSF progress and increase in its capabilities.

“We have actually had core-level operations in Regional Command South, planned and executed by the Afghans alone. From my perspective, the Afghans have the capability with the support we’re providing; 76 percent of the Afghan population is currently secured as a result of tranches one, two and three of security transition by Afghan forces,” he added.

The general promised if confirmed he would undertake a review of the current situation and make recommendations accordingly. “If I’m confirmed, what I need to do is make an assessment of the capabilities and capacities that we’ll maintain over the next two years, such that they meet our objectives…”

He also stressed the need for creating proper conditions for successful elections in 2014 and completing smooth security transition in December 2014.  He would also look at the capabilities of Afghan forces and the enemy strength.

In his remarks, Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, expressed concern over the recent increase in insider attacks by Afghan personnel or impersonators against US and coalition forces.

Senator John McCain noted that over the past few months enemies had been rather successful in carrying out so-called insider attacks that have killed and wounded many American and Afghan troops.

McCain said all the problems in Afghanistan were compounded by the two major strategic challenges — the continued corruption and ineffectiveness on the part of the Afghan government; and the safe haven for Taliban.


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