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Kuchis clash with forces in Kabul to halt evacuation (Video)

10 Dec 2012 - 12:54
10 Dec 2012 - 12:54

KABUL (PAN): The Kuchi tribe in Qasaba area of Kabul city on Sunday clashed with security forces after they were forced to vacate their houses that were illegal constructed. 

About 300 houses had been erected in the area against the urban development plan.  

“Today while we were about to destroy the houses, the Kuchis came out with shovels, picks and sticks to fight with security forces, so we fired shots in the air to disperse them” Sahfah Mohammad, an Afghan National Army officer told Pajhwok Afghan News.

He said dozens of Kuchis took shelter in the mountain areas located nearby and some of them may be armed, said the official.

Enzer Gul, a Kuchi resident, said they bought the land legally and constructed their houses according to local municipal plans, but security forces flushed out every one, including children and women.

Hundreds of security forces were present to evacuate the residents from the land. PAJHWOK/Ataullah Khpulwok

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