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Security barricades around police HQ removed

Security barricades around police HQ removed

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20 Jan 2013 - 18:24
Security barricades around police HQ removed
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20 Jan 2013 - 18:24

KHOST CITY (PAN): Security barricades around the police headquarters have been removed in the capital of southeastern Khost province, as part of the interior ministry’s nationwide campaign aimed at smoothing traffic flows in cities, an official said on Sunday.


All roads and streets leading to the police office were cleared of the barriers to facilitate traffic and walk in the city, police chief Brig. Gen. Abdul Qayyum Baqizoy told Pajhwok.

“The aim is to allow residents to easily commute and walk on the streets,” he said, adding security barricades in front of other security departments would also be taken away. 

Mir Wali Jan, who runs a merchant shop in Khost city, said it was a longstanding public demand that such obstacles should be removed everywhere in the city. “People hesitate to go in front of security barricades.”

Jan said the move would help residents reach at workplace on time and back home without any hitch.


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