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Pakistan renews support for political settlement

5 Apr 2013 - 11:55
5 Apr 2013 - 11:55

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan, playing down renewed tensions with the neighbouring country.

“There is a need for ever closer engagement between the two governments so that the process of peace and stability in Afghanistan can be advanced,” a foreign ministry spokesman said.

Addressing a weekly media briefing in Islamabad on Thursday, Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry tended to play down allegations against Pakistan constructing a new border checkpoint and sabotaging the peace effort.

Trilateral talks were held among Pakistan, Russia and China in Beijing on Wednesday the on current situation in Afghanistan, he said, adding the objective was to promote and coordinate the shared objective of facilitating peace and stability in the war-torn country.

Chaudhry said all three countries agreed to lend their weight to the Afghan-led peace campaign, pledging concerted efforts to safeguard security in Afghanistan and the region.

A statement from the ministry said: “China, Russia and Pakistan are close neighbours of Afghanistan, and the talks were conducive to increasing understanding, deepening trust and enhancing coordination among the three parties.”

They agreed to support the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to play a bigger role on the issue. The diplomats enhanced cooperation in the fields of anti-terrorism and drug control within the framework of the Istanbul Process.

In November 2011, Afghanistan’s neighbors gathered in Turkey and reached an agreement known as Istanbul Process, presenting a new vision for regional cooperation and promoting a stronger and sustainable economic future.


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