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Journalists receive NAI awards

Journalists receive NAI awards

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5 May 2013 - 17:21
Journalists receive NAI awards
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5 May 2013 - 17:21

KABUL — on Sunday honoured some journalists, including a Pajhwok reporter, with awards in acknowledgement for their commitment and professionalism.

The media-people were selected for the awards by a four-member committee in areas of investigative reporting, hard news, photo journalism, blog-writing, photography feature-writing, etc.

Among the journalists was Pajhwok Afghan News’ reporter Weeda Baraki, who won the best feature-writing award. “As a member of media family, I received the award which will encourage me to work even harder in future in sphere,” she remarked.

Hasht-i-Sobh reporter Ikram Rustami and BBC reporter Malyar Sadiq received investigative reporting awards. Ali and Fazil were honoured for their outstanding photojournalism work and Murtaza Meraj for blogging and programme production.

Wali Aryan from Kabul and two other journalists from Herat and Kandahar provinces got awards for their features features, NAI Executive Director Abdul Mujib Khilwatgar said.


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