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London, Islamabad hopeful about Qatar process

18 Jul 2013 - 04:09
18 Jul 2013 - 04:09

ISLAMABAD (PAN and Britain hoped on Wednesday.

Senior diplomats from both nations reiterated their commitment to stability in Afghanistan representatives back to the negotiating table.

Visiting British Foreign Secretary William Hague Pakistan’s Advisor on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz agreed to enhance efforts to bring peace to Afghanistan.

At a joint news conference in Islamabad, they said the two sides had held “useful and candid” discussions on all bilateral issues, including cooperation in the war against terror.

“We hope the deadlock is temporary and some kind of discussions will take place soon between the Taliban and the United States,” said Aziz, who would travel to Kabul on Saturday.

He will review the progress in the reconciliation process during talks with Afghan officials. His trip is expected to pave the ground for President Hamid Karzai’s visit to Pakistan.

Hague acknowledged Pakistan was playing a ‘positive’ role in bringing stability to Afghanistan. “We discussed the Qatar process. And I welcome the support extended by Pakistan,” he added.


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