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Rejected Nangarhar candidates blast IEC

Rejected Nangarhar candidates blast IEC

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24 Oct 2013 - 14:50
Rejected Nangarhar candidates blast IEC
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24 Oct 2013 - 14:50

JALALABAD (PAN) of giving them a step-motherly treatment in preparing the preliminary list of contenders.

Of 128 registered candidates for the April 5 vote, 113 have survived the cull in Nangarhar.

When the IEC issued the preliminary list two days ago, 15 candidates found their names absent.

One of them was Bilal Karim Momand, who told Pajhwok Afghan News he had been barred from contesting the polls despite covering all legal procedures.

 “I am a youth, a university student and had no blood on hands of innocent people,” an angry Momand said, adding illiterate and ineligible individuals had made it to the election. 

“I went to the local IEC office, where I was told my voter cards have already been shown by another nominee and that the preliminary list has been prepared in Kabul, where it has been proved,” he said, asking the main IEC office to address his concerns.

Another disqualifying runner, Mohammad Zubair Khaksar, said he held two diplomas and had provided the election office with the required signatures of voters, but was not considered as eligible.

“Some individuals, who remain on the list, are completely illiterate, they are war criminals and have blood on their hands of innocent people.”

Inayatullah Hijrat, who also failed to survive the cull, accused the electoral body of giving him a step-motherly treatment in making it to the election. He claimed some candidates had been cleared as a result of underhand deals.

 “We can’t expect a transparent ballot because the fraud has begun from the start,” he said, asking the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) to review his case.

Nangarhar IEC head Dr. Ajmal Akhtar said the preliminary list had been prepared in Kabul and those not dissatisfied with the decision should approach the main office.


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