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2nd day of forum passes off peacefully

2nd day of forum passes off peacefully

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22 Nov 2013 - 18:10
2nd day of forum passes off peacefully
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22 Nov 2013 - 18:10


MoI spokesman, Siddique Siddiqui, speaking on behalf of the Loya Jirga security commission, told Pajhwok Afghan News that no security incident was reported on the second day of proceedings.

He said security forces were prepared to thwart any militant activity during the course of the tribal forum — thanks to the tight arrangements put in place for the important event.

A week ago, a suicide car bombing left 10 people dead and several others wounded near the venue of the jirga in the Polytechnic area of the capital.

He alleged some foreign and local elements were trying to sabotage the assembly through their disruptive plans, but security forces were fully prepared to foil their nefarious designs.

Siddiqui thanked residents for supporting security arrangements, hoping they would continue to cooperating with the authorities in maintaining law and order.

Interior Minister Omar Daudzai, in his message, said that bolstered security demonstrated the Afghan forces had professionally improved.



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