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ALP kills 3 of a family in Helmand

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21 Jan 2014 - 12:17
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21 Jan 2014 - 12:17

LASHKARGAH (Pajhwok): Three members of a family have been killed by Afghan Local Police (ALP) forces in southern Helmand province, officials said on Tuesday.

Earlier, security officials mistakenly reported the three civilians were killed by Taliban on charge of having connection with the government in Nahrul Saraj area of Grishk district of Helmand.

But later today, residents of the district while brought the bodies of Akhtar Mohammad, his wife and their son in front of governor’s house, demanded the government should arrest the killers and provide them justice.

The protestors said the civilians were killed by ALP members when they broke into civilian house for robbing.

Son of the victims, Mohammad Tahir, told Pajhwok Afghan News: “I was in Lashkargah city for my duty when ALP members broke into our house last night and killed my father, mother and brother,”

Tahir said his father identified the gunmen were ALP members as one of the police officials was their villagers known as Ajab Gul.

A sister of Tahir and an eyewitness of the incident, Jan Bibi said: “My father knew these ALP members and shouted on them to leave home, but they opened fire leaving my father, mother and my eight years old brother dead.”

A relative of the victims’ family, Abdul Wali said, Taliban were not operating in their area and they did not have any enmity with anyone.

Deputy Governor Ahmad Masoud Bakhtawar condemned the incident and vowed the perpetrators of the incident had been detained and would be punished soon.

Police chief, Col Abdul Ahad Chopan confirmed the incident and said one of the perpetrators had been arrested and another accomplices escaped.



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