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Protestors seek end to violence against women

Protestors seek end to violence against women

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15 Mar 2014 - 15:38
Protestors seek end to violence against women
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15 Mar 2014 - 15:38

KUNDUZ (Pajhwok): In a rare show of unity, hundreds of women from northeastern provinces on Saturday asked the parliament to approve a draft law for the elimination of violence against females.

Women from Kunduz, Baghlan, Takhar and Badakhshan provinces marched through Kunduz City chanting slogans “Stop violence against women and punish the perpetrators of rights violators.”

The protestors alleged no visible steps had been taken during the last decade to curb violence against women. Mehr Afzoon, a women’s rights activist, said: “Women must break their silence on tyranny and come out of homes in support of their rights.”

Violence against women continued unabated, with the ears and noses of women were severed but no action could be taken to award exemplary punishment to the perpetrators, she added.

Most of the activists demanded the government should adopt and approve a law to end violence against women.

The law on the elimination of violence against women contains four chapters and 44 articles that was signed by the president and then sent to the parliament for debate, which is under deliberation.

But Nadira Giyah, director Kunduz women affairs department, said they had many achievements regarding decrease of violence against women and ensure protection of women rights during the past several years.

She told Pajhwok Afghan News: “Awareness has been created among women in line with their rights. Women educational ratio has been surged, which is a big achievement.”


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