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Foreign spy networks can’t disrupt polls: Faizi

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31 Mar 2014 - 20:13
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31 Mar 2014 - 20:13

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Presidential Palace on Monday reiterated its vow to hold elections on schedule, saying efforts by foreign spy networks to scuttle the process would fail.

In an interview with Pajhwok Afghan News, President Hamid Karzai’s spokesman Aimal Faizi hoped millions of Afghans would participate in the April 5 vote.

He said people realised well their participation in the landmark democratic exercise would play a significant role in Afghanistan’s future stability and development.

“We are going to see a higher turnout in the election than ever before,” the spokesman said, adding: “The government and security institutions are working to maintain security and paving the ground for people to take part in the polls.”

Faizi said the vote — a vital political process — was important for the future of Afghanistan and institutionalisation of democracy in the country.

He maintained: “Efforts being made by external intelligence networks to disrupt the situation won’t deter Afghans from streaming to polling stations.”

Earlier this week, President Karzai phoned US Secretary of State John Kerry and told him US allies in the region did not want peace and stability in Afghanistan.

He urged the United States to pressure Pakistan into helping the Afghan-led peace process.       




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