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US stresses diplomacy to end Pakistani attacks

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3 Jun 2014 - 15:55
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3 Jun 2014 - 15:55

KABUL James Cunningham on Tuesday stressed the issue of sporadic Pakistani rocket attacks on Afghanistan border districts should be resolved through diplomatic channels.

Speaking to reporters in Kabul, the ambassador said his country preferred to stay neutral and wanted the two neighbouring countries to resolve the issue through diplomacy.

However, Defence Minister Bismillah Khan Mohammadi recently told lawmakers that all efforts on diplomatic front to resolve the issue with Pakistan had failed.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday said Washington was bound to help Kabul to counter external threats under a strategic partnership agreement.

The ministry spokesman, Ahmad Shakib Mustaghni said a letter had been sent to the US Embassy, in which the Pakistani attacks were described as a clear violation of Afghanistan’s national sovereignty.

 “This action is a flagrant violation of Afghanistan’s national sovereignty and is considered as a clear aggression on its soil,” the letter said

Mustaghni said the US had made a commitment under the strategic partnership agreement that it would extend defensive cooperation in case of any foreign aggression.

However, Cunningham said the US commitment in the strategic agreement was for a stable Afghanistan and not to directly take part with Afghans against a foreign aggression.

Officials in Kunar say more than 800 rockets have been fired from Pakistan into the eastern province over the past one week, resulting in human and material losses.

Hundreds of families in the border villages have left homes and migrated to safer areas as a result of the shelling.


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