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Famous folk singer Haji Bakht dies

Famous folk singer Haji Bakht dies

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1 Jul 2014 - 15:18
Famous folk singer Haji Bakht dies
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1 Jul 2014 - 15:18

KANDAHAR CITY (Pajhwok): Haji Bakht, one of the popular folk singers, died from a protracted illness a day earlier and was laid to rest in his ancestral graveyard in southern Kandahar province, family sources said on Tuesday.

 During the past one month, Balkht was bed-ridden and was recently taken to a hospital in Pakistan’s Quetta city, the capital of Balochistan province, where he breathed his last the other day, his son Mohammad Sediq told Pajhwok Afghan News.

 He said his father had long been sick and under treatment but recently his condition deteriorated and they took him to Quetta, where he had been in hospital for five days.

 His corpse was brought to Kandahar last night and was buried at a graveyard in the Deh Khwaja area.

 Saddened by his father’s demise, Sediq said besides singing, his father would also run a taxi due to their bad economic condition.

 Kandahar Information and Culture Director Dawa Khan Minapal expressed his grief and sorrow over the death of Haji Bakht, saying the singer had been sick for a long time. He said Bakht was a legendry folk singer in Kandahar and his absence would be felt forever.

 Singer Sarwar Agha called the death of Haji Bakht a big loss for Kandahar music. He told Pajhwok Afghan News Haji Bakht Mohammad was born about 58 years ago in Kandahar City’s Khwaja Deh area and had currently been living in the ninth police district.

Bakht was 13-year-old when he started singing and playing Rabab and with his unique voice, he left his mark on the Kandahar music scene. Bakht collaborated with prominent Kandahar singers like Salim Kandahari, Obaidullah Kandahari and others.

Agha said Bakht was well known in Afghanistan and had sung at concerts in Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta, enthralling audience.

The singer left behind six daughters and two sons.


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