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Aid cheque handed to Palestinian envoy

25 Jul 2014 - 12:35
25 Jul 2014 - 12:35

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has handed over a cheque for half a million dollars to the non-resident Palestinian ambassador in aid to Gaza residents.

Deputy Foreign Minister Ershad Ahmadi handed the cheque to Walid Abu Ali in Kabul on Thursday evening. Ahmadi once again condemned as brutal Israeli attacks on innocent Palestinians. 

A statement from the ministry quoted him as saying: “We have discussed the situation in the Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, which has caused great suffering to our Palestinian brothers and sisters.”

Ahmadi expressed concern at the ongoing Israeli aggression, underlining the need for more efforts at regional and international level to find a fair solution and comprehensive solution to the problem.

The deputy foreign minister also renewed Kabul’s position on the issue, supporting the Palestinian people’s right to an independent state, with Jerusalem its capital.

Welcoming Kabul’s assistance to the embattled residents of the Gaza Strip, the ambassador said the gesture reflected Afghanistan’s support to their Palestinian brethren.

On Wednesday, President Hamid Karzai strongly condemned the brazen Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and extended his condolences to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas over the martyrdom of hundreds of people.

Karzai expressed his condolences in a letter to President Mahmoud Abbas. “With deep shock, I have learnt of Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds of civilians and displacing thousands.”

On behalf of the Afghan government and people, Karzai extended condolences and sympathies to Palestinian leadership. He said the Afghans shared the anguish of their Palestinians brethren. He also denounced the Israeli attacks as a cowardly act.


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