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Crisis deepens as unity govt talks collapse

Crisis deepens as unity govt talks collapse

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7 Sep 2014 - 17:54
Crisis deepens as unity govt talks collapse
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7 Sep 2014 - 17:54

KABUL (Pajhwok): The protracted election crisis further deepened on Sunday when negotiations on the formation of a unity government collapsed, confirmed the two campaigns.

A senior member of the presidential candidate Dr Abdullah Abdullah campaign claimed they had won the elections and would soon announce their government.

The latest development comes after the election commission announced it had finished the vote audit process. However, final results from the June runoff elections are yet to be announced due to differences between the candidates.

A member of Abdullah’s camp, Sardar Rahman Oghli, told a news conference in Kabul that talks on the national unity government had collapsed.

He added the differences on the national unity government would yield no result. He said the Reform and Unanimity team, led by Abdullah, wanted its due share in the power but the rival team wanted all the powers in its control.

“We have previously said that we would never accept a fraudulent government, and now once again we reiterate that fraud would not be accepted,” he said.

Oghli said they did not accept a government based on fraud and would standby the people to establish their own government headed by Abdullah.

Abdullah’s team spokesman, Mujib Rahman Rahimi, on his Facebook page wrote that the leadership council of the Abdullah camp had decided to pull out of the talks with Ashraf Ghani’s team on the formation of a national unity government and announce their own government.

He wrote their camp would make a final decision before the election results were announced.

Meanwhile, Ashraf Ghani’s team spokesman, Tahir Zohair, confirmed the talks had been suspended between the two sides. However, he hoped the negotiations would resume soon.


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