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Pakistan wants real friendship with Afghanistan

Pakistan wants real friendship with Afghanistan

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15 Nov 2014 - 15:29
Pakistan wants real friendship with Afghanistan
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15 Nov 2014 - 15:29


He was talking to his Afghan counterpart Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai as the two leaders met at the President’s House in Islamabad on Friday night.

At the head of a high-level delegation, Ashraf Ghani arrived in Islamabad on a two-day state visit on Friday to build ties with the neighbouring country.

In Kabul, the Presidential Palace said the Pakistani president told his Afghan counterpart that his country was ready to promote real and honest friendship with Afghanistan.

Hussain assured of Pakistan’s honesty in its ties with Afghanistan, believing Ghani’s visit to Pakistan would improve relations between the two countries.

The Pakistani leader said his country was ready to work honestly toward supporting Afghanistan.

He stressed the need for starting work on the Kunar hydropower dam and the TAPI gas project.

“I hope the projects would complete soon and both the counties would get benefit from them by working jointly,” he said.

Hussain said his country’s vision was to improve economic relations with all neighbouring countries particularly with Afghanistan.

President Ghani said the Afghan national unity government was committed to opening a new chapter of cooperation with Pakistan and bolstering trust between the two countries.

“There are both threats and opportunities for both the countries, but opportunities are more. Both the countries should take advantage of these relations for the benefit of our nations,” Ghani said.

The Afghan president said problems in business relations should be resolved as soon as possible so that both the countries were connected with the entire region.

After the meeting, Pakistan’s president secretary Saba Mohsin Raza told reporters that the meeting was held in a cordial environment and both the presidents discussed matters of mutual interest.

He said Hussain assured Pakistan would continue supporting a stable Afghanistan and would prioritise good relations with the neighbouring country.


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