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Key cabinet members in a day or two: Mohaqiq

Key cabinet members in a day or two: Mohaqiq

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21 Dec 2014 - 20:26
Key cabinet members in a day or two: Mohaqiq
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21 Dec 2014 - 20:26

KABUL (Pajhwok): Deputy Chief Executive Officer Mohammad Mohaqiq said on Sunday key members of the cabinet would be introduced in a couple of days.

At a meeting with Mujahidin Councils from the north, he said the government wanted to include talented individuals in the cabinet and hence the delay in the process.

He promised the ministers-designate would be patriotic and dedicated people, not tainted by ethnic or tribal prejudices. In the past 13 years, he lamented, mujahidin were branded as warlords.

Mohaqiq vowed to defend the role and contribution of mujahidin under all circumstances. The families of martyrs should be honoured, he suggested.  

Ghulam Rasoul, one of the former mujahidin, said the incumbent government was in the best interest of Afghanistan as representatives of every tribe were part of it.




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