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President urged to help resolve Khost problems

President urged to help resolve Khost problems

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6 Jan 2015 - 15:25
President urged to help resolve Khost problems
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6 Jan 2015 - 15:25

KHOST CITY (Pajhwok): A number of religious scholars, tribal elders and civil society activists of southeastern Khost province on Tuesday asked President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani to abide by his promises he made during the canvassing with the people of this province.

Eng. Mohammad Arif, head of Qalam Yaran cultural society, said that President Ghani had made several promises to develop this province duing his election campaign.

Arif reminded the president to implement his pledges he made with the people of Khost. “Construction of Khost-Ghulam Khan transit way, extending Shiekh Zahid University, constructing Khost International Airport, construction of Khost-Gardiz Highway and importing electricity were among the promises the president made with us,” he added.

A civil activist from Khost, Rahmatullah ,Sarwari said people voted Ghani because they were hopeful he could resolve their problems.

The president should materialize his promises into action Arif said, adding that “the president should provide a peaceful environment so our new generation feels safe from the menace of violence.”

A political expert, Azizullah Zaland, said the unity government gave birth to more problems instead of solving the nation’s issues.

He added the government would face more challenges if the formation of the cabinet was further delayed.



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