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Insurgents release 14 Nimroz hostages

30 Jan 2015 - 12:57
30 Jan 2015 - 12:57

ZARANJ (Pajhwok): Insurgents have set free 14 local hostages in southwestern Nimroz province after taking written guarantees from them to avoid taking part in welfare projects, officials say.

Col. Najibullah, Delaram police chief, told Pajhwok Afghan News the militants had held the individuals in Bakwa district of Farah province for four days. He did not go into details.

One of the freed men said the Taliban had released them on the condition of not cooperating with the government.

Earlier the residents had constructed a bridge in Delaram with the rural rehabilitation department’s support. The project reportedly had angered the Taliban.

“Taliban asked us why we cooperated with the construction of the bridge. Then they got a written guarantee from us to destroy it,” he said, adding residents should not comply with the insurgents’ wishes.

Delaram district head Najibullah Hayat said the individuals were released with the help of local elders.


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