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Lawmakers want Ghani to name remaining cabinet picks

Lawmakers want Ghani to name remaining cabinet picks

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14 Mar 2015 - 15:58
Lawmakers want Ghani to name remaining cabinet picks
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14 Mar 2015 - 15:58

KABUL (Pajhwok): Some lawmakers on Saturday asked the unity government to introduce the remaining cabinet ministers, saying a delay would affect parliamentary elections.

Abdul Wali Niazi, a legislator from Badakhshan province, said: “If the cabinet is not complete, the parliamentary elections won’t be held on schedule.”

His colleague Farooq Majrooh reminded President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani of his vow to honour his promise of introducing the remaining cabinet picks.

Last Thursday, Ghani opened the parliament after a 45-day winter recess and promised to introduce the remaining cabinet ministers once the house elected its administrative board.

MP Sakhi Meshwani said caretakers had turned the government into an irresponsible entity and the problem should be resolved soon.

“In CEO’s office and the Office of Administrative Affairs people get hired on a daily basis, while employment in other departments are banned.”

He alleged the president and CEO were wasting time, while the vital issue of electoral reforms had not been addressed so far. This issue, he warned, would also delay the parliamentary polls.

Ahmad Yusuf Nuristani, Independent Election Commission (IEC) chairman, has hinted at a possible delay in the parliamentary polls, scheduled for late April.

In an exclusive interview with Pajhwok Afghan News last week, Nuristani blamed the delay on the government’s weak will to arrange the required funds.

Of 25 ministers-designate and heads of independent departments that were introduced to parliament two months back, only eight managed to win votes of confidence.


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