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Power supply restored to Kandahar, Lashkargah

Power supply restored to Kandahar, Lashkargah

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30 Mar 2015 - 19:03
Power supply restored to Kandahar, Lashkargah
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30 Mar 2015 - 19:03

KANDAHAR CITY (Pajhwok): Cables carrying electricity from the Kajaki hydropower plant to two southern cities, Kandahar and Lashkargah, were repaired on Monday, about one and half months after they were damaged.

The cables were cut off in the Sangin district of Helmand province after security forces launched a massive operation against militants in the troubled town, plunging Kandahar City and Lashkargah into darkness.

Afghanistan Breshna Shirkat official Amanullah Ayub Farooqi, who visited Sangin as part of repair work, told Pajhwok Afghan News 10 kilometres cables had been snapped during clashes between security forces and militants in Shkar Shela area.

He said a dozen pylons had also been damaged. The official said the power utility workers embarked on the repair work at a time when clashes were ongoing and landmines littered the ground everywhere.

Farooqi said the cables were once joined about three weeks ago, but they were damaged again within two hours in Sangin’s Sarwan Qala area, where fresh operations against militants had just begun.

He said their continued efforts finally succeeded on Monday when the cables were connected and electricity restored to Kandahar City and Lashkargah.

Kandahar City receives 10 megawatts of electricity and Lashkargah five megawatts from the Kajaki hydropower plant that produces 33 megawatts of electricity. The power supply restoration sent a wave of happiness among residents, but they were concerned about the summer situation.

A resident of the fourth police district, Nasrullah, said the city needed from 150 to 200 megawatts of electricity against the current 10 megawatts. He said power supply was cut off hundred times a month due to the conflict and residents were concerned about the fast-approaching summer.


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