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Residents warn of protests over road security

Residents warn of protests over road security

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1 Apr 2015 - 18:45
Residents warn of protests over road security
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1 Apr 2015 - 18:45

MAZR-I-SHARIF (Pajhwok): The residents of Dara-i-Suf district in northern Balkh province on Wednesday warned to launch series of protests if the government did not improve security of highway leading to the district.

A number of people gathered in front of governor’s office in Mazar-i-Sharif, the provincial capital and demanded the official to step up security across the province.

A couple of days back, unidentified gunmen kidnapped three persons in the Shulgar district of northern Balkh province.

Civilians were on their way to the provincial capital when they were kidnapped, the town’s administrative chief Sirajuddin Abid told Pajhwok Afghan News. The incident took place late Sunday, he added.

Ahmed Ali Tamskai, a protester and ex-provincial council member, said the government should provide security on main Mazar-i-Sharif-Dara-i-Suf road. He said people had been killed, looted, kidnapped on the road. He said that people would close the road if their legitimate demand was not met.



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