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Governors form body to help improve governance

Governors form body to help improve governance

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18 Aug 2015 - 17:13
Governors form body to help improve governance
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18 Aug 2015 - 17:13

KABUL Governors Association (AGA) to help the government ensure good governance and banish administrative corruption.

Former Kabul governor Abdul Jabbar Taqwa, who heads the association, said current and former governors had the association’s membership. He said the body would independently work and would also reach out to the masses to muster their support.

He said the ex-governors would hold seminars to help the government in eliminating corruption and bad governance.

Tawqa said powers largely remained centralised during the past 14 years with governors facing multiple problems in discharging their duties. He warned the gap between the centre and provinces would widen if the powers remained centralised.

Mohammad Iqbal Azizi, a former governor of central Logar and the AGA spokesman, told Pajhwok Afghan News currently 65 former and 15 incumbent governors had the membership of the association.

He said the ex-governors were qualified and had enough experience in terms of governance and government officials could get valuable tips from them to ensure good governance in their provinces.

Mohammad Nader Yama, deputy director of the Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG), acknowledged problems and restrictions on provincial governments.

He said a new policy for local governance had been prepared and it would be presented before the Council of Ministers next month for approval.

Deputy Senate Chairman Mohammad Alim Ezedyar announced his support for the AGA and said the association’s efforts would help improve governance.


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