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Peace process entering important stage: US envoy

19 Dec 2019 - 10:03
19 Dec 2019 - 10:03

KABUL Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad says the Afghan peace process has approached an important stage.

“We are approaching an important stage in the Afghan peace process. Wrapped up two days of consultations in Kabul. Productive trip,” the diplomat tweeted late on Wednesday.

He met President Ashraf Ghani, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Abdullah, former president Hamid Karzai, US Ambassador Johan Bass and NATO activists and other political leaders.

President Ghani and Khalilzad discussed the ceasefire and Taliban’s safe havens outside the country, the Presidential Palace said in a statement.

In Washington, a State Department spokesman said the Ghani-Khalilzad meeting also included discussion of efforts to finalise a deal with the Taliban.

The CEO office, meanwhile, said the visiting envoy and Abdullah conferred on a reduction of violence and a ceasefire to achieve lasting peace in the country.

Separately, President Trump’s point man on Afghanistan and ex-president also discussed the peace process and efforts for Afghanistan’s prosperous future.

On Dec. 13, Khalilzad tweeted he had taken a “brief pause” for the Taliban to consult their leadership about his demand for a reduction in violence.

The diplomat returned to Qatar after meetings with Pakistani officials last week. The negotiations, however, have not restarted so far.


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