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Not involved in civilian killings: Taliban

1 Feb 2021 - 13:11
1 Feb 2021 - 13:11

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Taliban denied on Monday their involvement in killing civilians, destroying public infrastructure and targeted assassinations.

A day earlier, the EU Delegation and a number of diplomatic missions in Kabul asked the insurgent movement that its destructive actions outraged the global fraternity.

In response to the allegation, the Taliban said there was no truth in the claims made by the foreign missions in Afghanistan.

“Representatives of a number of European and other countries have baselessly asserted that the Islamic Emirate is continuing a senseless war, killing civilians and destroying public infrastructure.”

In a statement on their website, the rebel group rejected all such allegations. “All charges they have levelled are unsubstantiated.”

The statement added the Taliban considered safeguarding public infrastructure their responsibility.

“The principle cause of the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan is foreign occupation, which has killed the Afghans for two decades…”

The insurgent outfit claimed: “Most countries, including the European Union, are directly or indirectly involved in … bombings, killings and other crimes.”

If enforced, the Doha agreement, signed in February between the US and the Taliban would prove beneficial for all.

The pact, if not honoured, would have serious repercussions, the statement warned, saying the Afghan nation could defend its values and rights.


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