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US watching Taliban actions, says CENTCOM chief

9 Feb 2021 - 10:26
9 Feb 2021 - 10:26

KABUL (Pajhwok): As the level of violence in Afghanistan remains high, the US is reviewing Taliban actions and the peace agreement signed in Doha last year, says the CENTCOM chief.

Gen. Kenneth McKenzie underlined the imperative of a conditions-based approach to the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.

Participating in an online conversation hosted by the Middle East Institute on Monday, he accused the Taliban of continuing to resort to extreme violence, targeted killings and frequent attacks on the Afghan forces.

Although the Taliban had largely avoided attacking US and coalition troops stationed in the country, the level of violence stayed simply too high, the CENTCOM commander noted.

A Pakistani newspaper, The News International, quoted him as saying that the US continued to watch Taliban actions.

“I know the (Biden) administration is taking a close look at the way forward in accordance with the February 2020 peace agreement,” McKenzie added.

He stressed both sides had to demonstrate their willingness to make the necessary concessions to find a political way forward.

Concerned about the actions the Taliban have been taking, McKenzie remarked the new policy was under review and “we will have a way forward in the near future.”

The general said the US forces in Afghanistan would focus heavily on counterterrorism operations while continuing to support the Resolute Support mission.

PAN Monitor/mud

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