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Pakistani FM calls for ceasefire in Afghanistan

30 Mar 2021 - 14:29
30 Mar 2021 - 14:29

KABUL (Pajhwok): Pakistan on Tuesday denounced the spike in violence in Afghanistan, affirming its support for a ceasefire in the neighbouring country.

At a meeting with President Ashraf Ghani at the Presidential Palace in Dushanbe, Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi reiterated support for the renewed peace push in Afghanistan.

President Ghani inquired after the health of Prime Minister Imran Khan, who tested positive for COVID-19 last week.

Earlier, Radio Pakistan quoted Qureshi as saying the recognition of Pakistan’s stance on Afghanistan by the international community by the international community as a “big success”.

The foreign minister would highlight Pakistan’s support for Afghanistan’s development within the regional framework.

Qureshi said a military solution to the decades-long conflict in Afghanistan had not been found and the world was recognising Pakistan’s position insistence on a political settlement.

“We believe if there is peace and stability in the region, then our desire for regional connectivity will be furthered,” he added.


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