Pajhwok Afghan News

MPs demand durable ceasefire, denounce Israel attacks on Palestine

KABUL (Pajhwok): Some Wolesi Jirga members on Monday demanded durable ceasefire and denounced President Ghani’s intension to release more Taliban prisoners and vowed to end the culture of acting leadership of government organs.

The lower house of parliament members also condemned Israeli aggression against Palestinians and voiced their support for the Palestinians.

Currently the ministries of education, finance, women affairs, information and cultural, rural rehabilitation and development, public health, interior, the central bank, the High Supreme Court Council, Red Crescent Society and Oversight Commission on Constitution are being run by acting officials.

The education, women affairs and information ministries and the Central Bank are run by officials who had been rejected by the lawmakers.

Interestingly, Finance, Interior and health ministers received vote of confidence from the lower house but the president ousted them and appointed acting officials.

GhulamFarooqMajroh, a lawmaker from Herat province, said: “The ministers who we granted the trust vote have been fired and replaced by acting ministers who are not accountable to the people.”

He demanded strict and clear policy from the parliament to end the culture of acting officials.

MalalaiIshaqzai, a lawmaker from Kandahar province, said: “Which law says that individuals approved by the house shall be removed and replaced by acting officials who proved failed and have no experience in running the ministry?”

Taliban prisoners’ release

According to GhulamFarooqNazari while referring to the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners, said: “We regret the release of their prisoners and if more prisoners are freed, we will witness a massive bloodshed.”

Syed Mohammad Mohammadi, a lawmaker from Kabul, said: “Afghanistan will fall if more Taliban prisoners are released. Taliban are criminals and murderers and their prisoners should not be freed.”

Supporting Palestinian Muslims

Abdul ZahirTamim, a lawmaker from Ghor province, termed Israel attacks against Palestinians a war crime and said: “Criminals who have no root in Palestine have started bombing and attacking innocent Palestinians while Muslim nations are silent.”

A number of other lawmakers also denounced Israel’s bombing of Palestinians.

Speaker Mir RahmanRahmani also condemned Israel attacks against innocent Palestinians.


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