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Authorities should secure our worship places: Shia Ulema

10 Oct 2021 - 17:12
10 Oct 2021 - 17:12

KUNDUZ CITY (Pajhwok): Shia scholars in northern Kunduz province have asked local authorities to ensure the security of Shia mosques and holy places.

This comes as over one hundred people were killed and 160 others injured in a bomb blast inside a Shia Mosque in Kudnuz City on Friday.

Imam Rezvi, on the representation of other Shia Ulema, said that local officials should ensure security and safety of people special Shia people who are under direct threat.

They warned if security of their mosques and residents was not ensured, they would stage protests to seek security.

Syed Hashim, another scholar, said government officials should apprehend perpetrators behind Friday’s bombing in Kunduz City and punish them.

“We are happy for the Islamic Emirate that there would be nation-wide security and stability. Our people were badly affected in the past,” he said.

NajibullahHaroon, Taliban Intelligence Chief of Kunduz, said serious investigations into Friday attack were underway and added they were striving to prevent repetition of such incidents in the future.

“We share the grief of our people, probe into this crime is underway. We will arrest them and punish them according to Sharia Law,” he said.


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