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Gobal legal body voices concern over AIBA merger in MoJ

3 Dec 2021 - 15:13
3 Dec 2021 - 15:13

KABUL (Pajhwok): International Bar Association has expressed concern over the Taliban move of stripping of the Afghanistan Independent Bar Association (AIBA) from its authority.

In an open letter to UN Secretary General António Guterres, the world body said this move has completely compromised the independence of the legal profession in Afghanistan is of great concern to the International Bar Association.

“Through this direct communique we bring to your attention, and request intervention in the reported alarming development of the Taliban takeover of the Afghanistan Independent Bar Association.”

On Tuesday 23 November 2021, the Taliban broke up a meeting being held by AIBA officials in their office in Kabul. This action followed a recent public announcement by the Taliban that it would incorporate the AIBA into its Ministry of Justice.

The ramifications of the rule of law the administration of justice and the further contraction of women and girls cannot be overestimated.

A Taliban cabinet directive has stripped the AIBA of the authority to issue Afghanistan’s lawyers with licenses to practice their profession and has demanded that all lawyers that currently hold a license reapply to the Taliban’s MoJ.

We understand that those who do not submit application as directed by the Taliban will be prevented from practicing.


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