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US to IEA: Lift ban on girls’ education, curbs on media

27 Jul 2022 - 09:31
27 Jul 2022 - 09:31

KABUL (Pajhwok): US Special Representative for Afghanistan Thomas West says all colleagues at the Tashkent conference have asked the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) to lift the ban on girls’ education, remove curbs on journalists and respect human rights.

On his Twitter handle, West wrote: “Many colleagues also raised grave concerns regarding human rights abuses, including restrictions on journalists and women’s ability to contribute to the country’s economic growth. We want IEA to lift ban on girls’ schools and curbs on journalists.”

He tweeted after multiple terrorist attacks against Afghanistan’s neighbors in recent weeks, he heard colleagues acknowledge the Taliban’s active operational efforts against ISIS-K.

The diplomat also spoke of deep concerns expressed at the continued presence of Al-Qaeda, TTP and other terrorists in Afghanistan.

“I joined several representatives in lamenting the lack of any serious national political process involving the Afghan people. No foreign country should hand-pick leaders or impose a process on Afghans, but the United States stands ready to join partners in supporting dialogue among Afghans regarding a brighter and more inclusive future for their children,”

While tools and perspectives differed, the US special representative claimed he found some important areas of continuing consensus among the envoys on enduring international priorities in Afghanistan.

All were concerned about the continuing economic and humanitarian crisis, he said, calling the US the world’s leading contributor of humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan.

“We will also continue to work with IFIs to support Afghans’ basic needs – in health, education, nutrition and livelihoods. It is in the region and the world’s interest to stay focused on Afghanistan’s economic stabilisation.”

That included engaging Afghan technocrats and the Taliban to encourage steps that enhanced the country’s macroeconomic stability, West explained.


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