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Joint efforts urged to control growing air pollution in Herat

Joint efforts urged to control growing air pollution in Herat

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29 Jun 2023 - 10:51
Joint efforts urged to control growing air pollution in Herat
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29 Jun 2023 - 10:51

HERAT CITY (Pajhwok): Some residents in western Herat province have complained against growing air pollution and demanded control over the sources of air pollution.

Syed Zaki Sarfaraz, the resident of Herat province told Pajhwok Afghan News, Herat’s air had changed and became more polluted comparing to the past.

He said the environment got polluted with each passing day and asked officials and local residents to take joint steps for the prevention of environmental pollution.

Subhanullah, another resident of Herat, province told Pajhwok Afghan News that smoke coming out of Hamams, the use of old and faulty vehicles and use of low quality material for burning purpose contributed massively to air pollution.

He also asked common people and government to take joint steps to prevent environmental deterioration.

He said alongside public, it was the government responsibility to introduce a proper strategy in this regard and address the prevailing environmental issues.

Environmental experts in Herat province also believed that air pollution had surged and warned if the situation remained the same the residents of Herat City would face huge risks.

Ali Ahmad Mohammadi, a teacher and environmental expert, said the air pollution would further increase if the government failed to stop the burning of low quality fuel, deforestation, import of below the standard petroleum products, uncontrolled use of underground water and other violations.

He said there was urgent need for the public awareness enhancement about air pollution and the deteriorated condition of underground water in Herat and officials should take steps in this regard.

Herat Environmental Department Director Hazrat Ali Abdali said their mobile teams every time monitored the air pollution condition in different parts of the city.

He urged local people and industrialists to cooperate in efforts regarding the elimination of air pollution in order to achieve positive outcome.


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