Pajhwok Afghan News

Contracts signed to build telecom sites worth 72 million afs

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology on Thursday announced signing contracts with three telecom companies to build seven telecommunication sites at a cost of 72 million afghanis.

Inayatullah Alokozi, the ministry’s spokesperson, wrote on the ministry’s website that the Afghanistan Telecom Regularity Authority signed contracts with Afghan Wireless, MTN and TTS telecommunications companies to establish seven telecom sites.

He said the companies would establish five telecommunication sites in Maidan Wardak, Paktika and Nuristan provinces and two more sites along the Nangarhar-Kunar highway.

He said the Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology was planning to sign contracts worth $27 million for 279 more telecommunication sites with winning bidders soon to bring under coverage deprived areas.

He said 591 telecommunication sites were activated in many regions of the country in the last two years and 1,000 sites that either worked intermittently or provided no services were made functional 24 hours a day.

The Ministry of Telecommunications and Informational Technology was committed to providing citizens access to telecommunication and internet facilities across the country and has taken effective steps in this regard.


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