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Karzai, Cameron discuss London meeting

Karzai, Cameron discuss London meeting

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31 Jan 2013 - 16:47
Karzai, Cameron discuss London meeting
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31 Jan 2013 - 16:47

KABUL -UK meeting scheduled to be held on Sunday in London, the Presidential Palace said on Thursday.

The two leaders discussed the security situation in Afghanistan, the security transition process and the peace campaign during a telephonic conversation late on Wednesday, a statement issued from the Karzai office said.

Cameron briefed Karzai on preparations for the meeting that he hoped would go well. While Karzai thanked the UK government for organising the summit. Karzai said the meeting would leave positive impact on his government-initiated peace drive.

In their second trilateral meeting last year on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York, Karzai, his Pakistani counterpart Asif Zardari and Cameron focused on tackling terrorism in the region and enhancing economic cooperation.

They discussed reconciliation, security and regional security, with Cameron reiterating UK’s commitment “to support Afghanistan and Pakistan in working out solutions for peace and stability in the region and in their quest for the socio-economic development of their people.”

The meeting was attended by Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul, his deputy Javed Ludin and Salahuddin Rabbani, head of Afghan High Peace Council.

From Pakistan, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar, Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani, Secretary General Salman Farooqi, Ambassador Masood Khan and from the UK, Foreign Secretary William Hague, National Security Advisor Kim Darroch, Chief of Staff Ed LLewellyn and Political Director Mark Sedwill attended the meeting in September 2012.


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