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IDB committed to helping Afghanistan, Atmar assured

IDB committed to helping Afghanistan, Atmar assured

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20 Jan 2021 - 15:53
IDB committed to helping Afghanistan, Atmar assured
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20 Jan 2021 - 15:53

KABUL (Pajhwok): Foreign Minister Mohammad Hanif Atmar met with Islamic Development Bank (IDB) president Dr. Bandar Hajjar in Jeddah of Saudi Arabia and praised the bank’s assistance in launching various development projects in Afghanistan.

A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Islamic Development Bank-assisted projects include construction of Doshi-Pul-e-Khumri and Andkhoy-Aqina roads, the construction of a girls’ dormitory at the Kabul University, and the irrigation project in Pashtun Zarghun district of Heart province.

Atmar highlighted that Afghanistan’s water, agriculture, mineral resources and strategic position could play a constructive role in energy transfer, food security, and transit of goods between the countries of South, Central, and West Asia and beyond, supporting the supply and value chain of the region.

The minister emphasized the expansion of links between Afghanistan and the Islamic Development Bank and called for deploying a technical team from the Islamic Development Bank to Afghanistan to identify investment opportunities and develop a clear vision for economic cooperation between the bank and Afghanistan.

Dr. Hajjar welcomed the Afghan minister’s proposal about sending a technical delegation and assured Atmar of the bank’s support, pending a feasibility study.

He also assured the bank’s commitment to helping Afghanistan and highlighted that creating an enabling environment for investment was an essential factor in the economic growth and development of countries and that the bank was ready to assist Afghanistan in this regard.

The Foreign Minister thanked the Islamic Development Bank for assisting and financing development projects in Afghanistan.




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