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Haidari briefs Sri Lankan president on US troop pullout

Haidari briefs Sri Lankan president on US troop pullout

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22 Apr 2021 - 09:24
Haidari briefs Sri Lankan president on US troop pullout
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22 Apr 2021 - 09:24

KABUL (Pajhwok): Afghan Ambassador Ashraf Haidari has briefed Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on the current situation in Afghanistan, reports a news website.

Haidari’s meeting with the Sri Lankan president was part of his regular consultations with leaders of the government in Colombo.

The ambassador briefed the president on recent developments in Afghanistan, particularly US President Joe Biden’s decision to draw American forces by September 11.

According to Colombo Page, the Afghan diplomat hailed the American troop withdrawal announcement a new chapter in the US-Afghanistan relations.

Military, economic development and humanitarian partnerships based the US-Afghanistan Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) and the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) would continue, he hoped.

But the ambassador underlined the importance of effectively managing all dimensions of the withdrawal process so so it was not seen as a victory by the Taliban and terrorist outfits.

“This should be cause for concern for the whole region where emboldened by such a misperception, terrorists could threaten stability in our wider neighborhood,” remarked the envoy.

Rajapaksa reaffirmed his country’s support for peace efforts by President Ghani and called for an end to the suffering of the Afghan people.

The two sides took stock of growing relations between Afghanistan and Sri Lanka, recalling the 62nd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic links.

“Afghanistan and Sri Lanka have initiated and signed 10 MoUs and agreements over the past two years since I took up my job here,” Haidari said.

The ambassador also recalled the MoU he signed last month with Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Gunawardena on political consultations between the two countries.

They agreed cooperation in areas of defence, mutual legal assistance and people-to-people contacts would further deepen the Afghanistan-Sri Lanka friendship,

Haidari thanked the Sri Lankan government for additional scholarships for Afghan military cadets, currently enrolled at the National Defence University (KDU).

PAN Monitor/mud

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