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Rockets land near Loya Jirga venue

17 Nov 2011 - 09:09
17 Nov 2011 - 09:09

KABUL (PAN): Two rockets landed in the 4th police district of the capital Kabul close to the traditional Loya Jirga site on Thursday, an official said.

One of the rockets fell in the Sarsabzi Square at around 8am, injuring a man, the crime branch chief, Brig. Gen. Mohammad Zahir, told Pajhwok Afghan News.

The second rocket landed on the Bagh-i-Bala Mountain behind Masjid-i-Safid near the venue of the grand assembly, he added.

It was not yet clear where the rockets were fired from, but police have launched an investigation into the incident, he concluded.

However, a statement from interior ministry said the rockets were fired from Lalandar Mountains, south of the city.

“We stayed in our room due to public holiday. When one of our roommates went out to a resting room, we heard a heavy explosion,” said a worker at the fruit market, Nizamuddin.

As they exited their room, they saw their roommate injured by rocket shrapnel and was later taken to hospital by police, he said.

According to Pajhwok reporter, windowpanes of a nearby market were also smashed and a Mazda truck as well as six fruit carts damaged in the attack.

A Taliban site at 8am, inflicting casualties on security personnel.

The Taliban have warned of attacks on participants of the event wherever they could do so. The rocket strike comes as the first day of the traditional forum passed off peacefully.


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