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Afghanistan, Pakistan work on ‘joint terrorist list’

Afghanistan, Pakistan work on ‘joint terrorist list’

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1 Jan 2015 - 19:12
Afghanistan, Pakistan work on ‘joint terrorist list’
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1 Jan 2015 - 19:12

KABUL have started work on preparing a joint list of terrorists, a media report said on Thursday.

Pakistan newspaper Express Tribune quoted diplomatic and government sources as saying the two countries had entered initial talks on the list.

However, the sources said there was no progress as yet towards the list’s preparation, but said if the two countries reached an agreement on the list, it would greatly help eliminate terrorists.

The list is being prepared after Pakistan expressed hope its relations with Afghanistan are improving following President Ashraf Ghani Islamabad visit.

Last week, Afghan Army Chief Gen. Sher Mohammad Karimi and NATO top commander in Afghanistan US Army General John Campbell visited Islamabad and held talks with Pakistani Army Chief Gen. Raheel Sharif on intensifying joint efforts at countering terrorism.

Kabul has long been claiming leaders of Afghan Taliban and others staging attacks in Afghanistan are hiding in Pakistan.

While Islamabad has claimed the Pakistani Taliban leader, Mullah Fazlullah, and his commanders have taken refuge in Afghanistan.

Soon after the brutal attack on a Peshawar school, the Pakistani army chief and the spymaster arrived in Kabul and demanded an operation against Fazlullah.

Following the visits by Pakistani officials, Afghan forces conducted several operations in various parts of eastern Kunar province and the operations were hailed by Pakistan.

Political analysts believe if Afghanistan and Pakistan agreed on a joint list of terrorists, it could guarantee the success of the ongoing war against terrorism.

Political analyst Mohammad Hassan Haqyar told Pajhwok Afghan News intelligence agencies of the two countries knew where terrorists and insurgents were hiding.

He said if the two countries prepared a joint list and showed sincerity in the anti-terror war, they could achieve great gains.


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