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Ghani to pull Afghanistan out of proxy wars

7 Mar 2015 - 17:17
7 Mar 2015 - 17:17

KABUL (Pajhwok): President Ashraf Ghani on Saturday reassured early introduction of the remaining cabinet nominees to the parliament for their approval, saying practical measures were being adopted toward electoral and administrative reforms.

Inaugurating the 16th legislative session of the national assembly returning from a 45-day winter recess, the president said recent developments in Afghanistan were made plausible thanks to the formation of the unity government.

 “The formation of unity government was an unprecedented political achievement. Initially no country believed in our success, but now they have a complete faith in our political abilities. We proved that political negotiations are the only way out of differences,” he remarked.

The three pillars of the state, he said, had been working in tandem and there was no room for any differences.

Peace in Afghanistan was prerequisite for peace and stability in the region and the world, he said, adding Kabul was working with regional stakeholders to counter the menace of terrorism.

China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Azerbaijan and Turkey would be part of the consensus, he added.

He promised to steer Afghanistan out of proxy wars. The Afghan foreign policy, he said, was inseparable from the country’s sovereignty and it was in the hands of Afghans.

It was Afghanistan’s mature foreign policy that donor countries continued to support the country, a process to go on with his upcoming visit to Washington.

After insecurity gripped many provinces, some people started believing that Afghan security forces lacked the ability to defend their country, he said. “But our forces thwarted evil designs of the enemy. As the supreme commander, I’m extremely proud of my armed forces,” he added.

 “I have dedicated 60 percent of my time to ensuring security,” Ghani said, adding that the ongoing law and order situation in the country had political and other reasons.

The president said he would not compromise on the social freedoms while working towards opening peace talks with the insurgents to end the war.

“We will not let the price of peace be greater than the price of war,” Ghani said and promised to firmly safeguard the achievements of the past 13 years under his predecessor Hamid Karzai.

The president also promised formation of an electoral reforms commission and reforms in the electoral system through short, medium and long-term process.

 “Based on my directions, reforms will soon take place in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Employment will be offered on merit. Those appointed on the basis of nepotism have to sit tests again or they will be sacked,” he concluded.


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