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Govt negligence led to Aimaq’s murder: Family

3 Jan 2021 - 15:18
3 Jan 2021 - 15:18

FEROZKOH (Pajhwok): The family of slain Bismillah Adel Aimaq, editor-in-chief of the Voice of Ghor radio station, has asked the government to unmask his killers and put a stop to targeted attacks.

The journalist, who was shot dead by unknown gunmen in the Taigha village of the provincial capital on Friday, was laid to rest today (Sunday).

His mother, lamenting over the body of her son, cursed her son’s assailant: “May Allah destroy the house of the killer the way he has shattered Bismilah’s family. May Allah orphan his child the way the he has orphaned Bismillah’s children.”

At the funeral ceremony, Aimaq’s father accused the government of negligence in the aftermath of threats posed to Bismillah and added Adel in the past survived two attacks on him and they often shared the issue with intelligence personnel who paid no head.

“As quickly as possible, the assailant should be identified and handed over to legal the authorities. If the government fails to do so, I will do myself. I have my sons, tribe and other sympathisers. I will do something,” he warned.

Naik Mohammad Naik, acting deputy police chief, said Aimaq’s murder was being investigated. He promised the perpetrators would be arrest soon and handed over to judicial organs.

No individual or group claimed responsibility for the journalist’s shooting.


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