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AIHRC condemns Helmand airstrike, stressed negotiated settlement

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8 Jan 2021 - 15:00
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8 Jan 2021 - 15:00

KABUL (Pajhwok): The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) has asked conflicting parties to give priority to the protection of civilians during conflict and stressed over negotiated settlement of ongoing conflict.

The rights body emphasis over the protection of civilians comes after Afghan Air Force strike in southern Helmand province.

According to the analysis of the AIHRC 10 civilians, including women and children, were killed and injured.

The rights body on its twitter account wrote: “In Helmand airstrike five people including four women were killed and five people including four women were injured.”

The AIHRC stressed that war is not solution and has no justification but it resulted in the loss innocent lives, destruction of the country and violation of human rights.

According to the rights body conflicting parties should respond to public voices for durable ceasefire and reduction in violence.

The AIHRC strongly condemned the airstrike and asked the government to ensure justice to the victim families.

The Taliban Spokesperson Qari Yousuf Ahmadi said US forces conducted airstrike on civilians in the Bashran locality of Lashkargah on Thursday night.

He said five people including three women were killed in their airstrike.

But USFOR-A Spokesman Col Sonny Leggett rejected the Taliban claim say, this is not true, USFOR-A did not conduct a strike in Lashkar Gah, Helmand last night.

Afghanistan Ministry of Defense, in a tweet said: ” we are investigating allegations of civilian casualties as a result of an airstrike in Helmand province.”

The air force last night targeted a group of Taliban in the Basharan area of Lashkar Gah, Helmand province, as they were planning a terrorist attack on defense and security forces. It added.

The enemy suffered casualties in the attack. The ministry added.




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